Start the conversation today!! This partnership when worked on together will benefit your family for years to come
A marriage is a partnership in which money matters are an integral part. As in all partnerships, each member has his or her set of responsibilities and yet it is always vitally important for each partner to have a working knowledge of the other's role. Therefore, as a couple dealing with finances you may want to follow these simple tips:
Agreeing that this topic has to be addressed together, and working on as a team from the beginning, is key to achieving financial health. Make the necessary time today to start this conversation, understanding that the process will benefit your family for years to come.
Team Play
Addressing the dreaded issue of money can be done at any age and time, preferably as early as possible in your relationship. When done properly, dealing with the issues that money raises can strengthen your relationship, and honestly, who doesn’t want that.
Start by taking inventory of your current situation. DO NOT JUDGE! This is not the time to point fingers and criticize. List your assets as well as your liabilities and begin to track household expenses with as much detail as possible. Set goals together and timelines to achieve them.
For more tips, I am proud to invite you to find me as a contributing author in the following book: